The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
By Everlast
Im off for a week now and by the time i get back i'm expecting J-Ho to have the big 2K, also im expecting that Ted geezer to tell you all how crap Chris Moyles show is by saying i accidently left my radio on at 3:00 and it was crap, also im expecting Dan Reviewers head to dissapear right up his arse(only joking). <br><br>Later
By Baza
(Although I know you won't see this for a week) <br>BYE!<br>
By Ionic_Storm
Isn't it more comical if you pick say.... ME! You see I'm the resident tw*t around here, so it's funnier.. right?
By Guest
cya everlast. i'm off on monday till friday. whohoo. you can all sleep with much contentment on sunday.
By Guest
Off for a week- You on half term asweerllll?<br><br>J-Ho in reaserach week - actuall y doing research shopcker...