- Mon Nov 05, 2001 8:07 pm
1. Have you seen that CBBC show eureka? It?s How2 without the brains. Like an example of this was if u freeze a banana you can bang a nail in. then they showed them banging it in and you could see shreds of peel after the second knock.<br><br>2. As if we haven?t got enough soaps, Night and day has started, only thing that interests me is the late night version.<br><br>3. Anybody already know what they are getting for Xmas<br><br>4. Does anyone know the song Crying at the discotheque. In the chorus they mention Richard gere. I don?t know the sentence before it<br><br>5. Kate winslet is favourite to be Xmas no.1 but has anyone actually heard it yet. Bob the Builder has pulled out.<br><br>6. Finally, someone should tear out the voice box of the lighthouse family lead singer for trying to sing u2 "one"; although it?s an achievement to ruin 2 classics in 1 song.<br><br><br>Ps; my mother claims that vegetable soup is a filling dinner, I disagree. + Because this still is broke, it?s taken me 67 minutes to type and if that paperclip annoys me again...<br>
dave benson phillips