The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
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By newsbeat
Had Jessie J in my head all day yesterday, but I love all of them!
By R94N
Most of these artists that you mention are just a flash in the pan anyway.
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By Travis Bickle
bmstinton93 wrote:Jessie J, Far East Movement and Nero are all shite!

I like those three :)
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By MrAndee
in regards to Jessie J, not a big fan of Do It Like A Doood.
saw her on Jools Holland and i think shes a real talent:
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By TheGaryOShow
I believe the whole Mcflyday thing won't last much longer, I would reckon nowadays it's about 50/50 people who like it and people who don't and so if it were to be removed then the reaction would be equally positive and negative. I would not be surprised if they monitor the ratio of positive and negative texts and I suspect as soon as more people are negative than positive it will be scraped. Also if I remember right the feature started one friday when Chris hooked his Ipod up to the system and shuffled through songs until Star Girl played, he then played the song in full and I believe it was either Dave or a listener text that coined "Mcflyday" and suggested it become a regular feature, the next week it was a listener that reminded Chris of the feature and after a few weeks it was written in to the running order.

As for the golden hour it is true that the years they do are repeated much too often but more than that because it is Chris who picks the songs he tends to pick pretty much the same songs for each time a year is repeated, I reckon they should do a rotation of who from the team picks the year and tracks to freshen it up a bit.
By bmstinton93
I dont think it was Chris shuffling his ipod. He just came in one morning after realising how good it was cause it had come up on his ipod
By steve leady
I'd rather hear McFly once a day rather than most of the shit he has to play every day!
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By Yudster
To be fair, he plays about 2 songs per hour most days so apart from Friday music isn't really as feature of the show at all, playlist or otherwise.