The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
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By jpk
Was that another mention Stevo (_Marx_)?
By David
someone emailed called Steve, chances are out of the other 6 million listeners, someone is bound to be called Steve ;)<br><br>David
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By gregs
jpk - i think that the answer is no then.<br><br><br><br>gregs
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By Nablo.
lol just because someone called Steve was read out you thought it was Stevo clever one there!
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By King_Stevotrash
it was not my name arch enemy's email, but someone else called steve.<br><br>But if you heard him mention an email reffering to the 'games network' channel when he did not credit the author, this may shed some light<br><br>_______________<br>Subj: channels for dave on sky tv <br>Date: 09/01/02 15:39:59 GMT Standard Time <br>From: EqualMarX <br>To: mailto:[email protected] <br><br><br>chris and team<br>There are some great channels on sky,<br><br>Hallmark- county drama....marvelous viewing after a few bevvies<br><br>Games Network- This is even better viewing after a few drinks. Its a channel which reviews computer games. Unfortunently (or fortunently..depends which way you look at it) the computer games they review are of the space invaders calibur, and the presenters are German.<br><br>_MarX_
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By jpk
"Im looking kinda dumb, with my finger and my thumb, in the shape of an L on my forehead!"<br><br>I heard it wrong - i thought he said from "stevo" - hence the post! The main line of thought was that he said the name really quick, indicating he would not like to dwell on the name of the sender (me thinking the infamous stevo).<br><br>I admit that i'm a silly tart, and i'll bring out an exercise video and dvd in the coming weeks - right after i get my ears Syringed, and a better stereo!<br><br>Sorry for any inconvenience caused. It'll probably happen again!<br><br>
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By Uglybob
youre looking even dumber cos u obviously didnt the read the post above your last post.
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By jpk
You got me again uglybob. How about i just hurl up into a little ball, and cry in the corner.<br><br>Waiting for Diablo Dan to reply: Yeah. (your so unpredictable)<br><br>No hold on - i was dumb for hearing the name "stevo" instead of "steve"! So surely my point stands - marx points out that his name was not mentioned with a separate email, or am i reading it wrong? And why am i arguing about how dumb i actually am, i thought we cleared that up when i joined!
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By Uglybob
the mentioned his email but said the name muffly to not give away who it was.
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By jpk
So was it him? the one i heard? Someone please?
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By Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog
who cares but it was nice to see some humilty on the board there by jpk
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By jpk
its a shitty job, but someones got to do it! I'm just protecting my patch (like a belt of the chastity variety)
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By Jonny Hoare
Stevotrash's name is not Steve it is Mark- hence Marx...
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By Uglybob
havent listened to the show again, they didnt mention his name on the games network quote but mentioned a fella called steve on email about annoyances. so marx got an invisible mention.
By Everlast
Well his name is Steve so could it be.........................Stone Cold Steve Austin?<br>Or does he prefer Dr Fox
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By Uglybob
i suppose you saw the crappy news then<br><br>14 bleedin pound on sky box office to watch the royal rumble<br><br>and mr perfect, godfather, val venis and golddust are gonna be making appearances in the rumble
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By Nablo.
Not to Mention Kevin Nash who will make a surprise turn up! Saying that It's no longer a surprise! :P
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By Uglybob
sorry but contrary to reports kevin nash will be nowhere near the royal rumble. pure gossip which is false im afraid.
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By Black_Ice
Blah, no it is no longer a surprise. I am most besmirched by your demonstrative actions. My surprise is ruined, I was going to tell everyone that.<br><br>"Edit: after checking to see why I had been religated to the second page, I find that what I have said prior now appears to look rather asinine."
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By Nablo.
[quote author=uglybob date=01/10/02 at 22:59:51]sorry but contrary to reports kevin nash will be nowhere near the royal rumble. pure gossip which is false im afraid.[/quote]<br><br>No it is true that he has infact signed a WWF contract but Vince has been clamping down on any leaks on Story lines so he is making sure that nothing is realised! So there have been events pointing out to his return! Like someone being thrown out of Raw for having a Kevin Nash sign! The reason he is denying it is because it's spose to be top secret and I bet you he will make a return soon!
By Everlast
Yeah Bob 14 pounds is a rip off but the returns of HHH(in ring), Goldust and Val Venis is mouthwatering.<br>Steiner and D'lo Brown are my next tips for returns with Steiner being a long shot though