it was not my name arch enemy's email, but someone else called steve.<br><br>But if you heard him mention an email reffering to the 'games network' channel when he did not credit the author, this may shed some light<br><br>_______________<br>Subj: channels for dave on sky tv <br>Date: 09/01/02 15:39:59 GMT Standard Time <br>From: EqualMarX <br>To:
mailto:[email protected] <br><br><br>chris and team<br>There are some great channels on sky,<br><br>Hallmark- county drama....marvelous viewing after a few bevvies<br><br>Games Network- This is even better viewing after a few drinks. Its a channel which reviews computer games. Unfortunently (or fortunently..depends which way you look at it) the computer games they review are of the space invaders calibur, and the presenters are German.<br><br>_MarX_