The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
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By Yudster
Nothing remotely Easter-y in either Sainsbury's (which I have just discovered is apparently the largest one in the UK) or Tesco in this area. Haven't looked in Asda and I won't go in Waitrose.
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By DevilsDuck
Im not sure what's worse. Easter eggs in the shops already or you guys talking about it..........yes I do......shut up
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By Yudster
Why? Are you a Waitrose fan or something?
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By DevilsDuck
Errr I only shop from Mr Marks and Mr Spencer
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By Yudster
I won't shop there for the same reasons I won't shop at Waitrose.
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By foot-loose
Only on can I go into a thread titled "happy christmas", on the 3rd of January, and find an argument about where the best place to buy easter eggs is.

Tesco wins anyway.
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By DevilsDuck
Oh I agree......Tesco for the win! It's the land of hope and opportunity
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By Yudster
I like Tesco, but its 9.8 miles away in the car whereas Sainsbury's is 2.1 miles.

These things are important.
By R94N
I don't really like supermarkets or chain stores that much. They killed off a lot of business. I'm an old fogey in that respect.
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By Yudster
Hmm. I'm not sure really. I do deplore the loss of independant local shops, but realistically if they wanted to survive they had to offer what the public wanted - which wasn't merely convenience, it was choice and value. The village shop in the next village from us is flourishing, because it understands that it won't get customers unless it gives them a reason not to get in the car and drive the 4 miles to Sainsburys. Unlike most village stores it doesn't charge sky high prices and carries a wide variety of stuff. I guess it was a gamble to operate like that, but its paid off for them.
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By dimtimjim
Yudster wrote: I do deplore the loss

Jeez yuddles, its like 2011 now, you gotta talk proper...... Who even knows what deplore means, innit?!! :wink:
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By Yudster
I do speak properly. And I'm not persuaded of the need to change that.
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By Yudster
I like supermarkets because I have a car and can get to and from them with large amounts of stuff. If I didn't drive, or couldn't shop in that way but needed to just get small amounts locally because I couldn't manage more, I would be stuffed where I live though. Its like milk deliveries - I don't use them because its more expensive and the milk doesn't always arrive when I want it - but there are plenty of people who can't get to the supermarket, and the corner shop has closed down - where do they get their milk if the delivery service is stopped, as is looking increasingly likely?
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By MK Chris
My mum has gone back to using the local dairy and having the milk delivered - it's not the cheapest, but it is nice milk.
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By dimtimjim
Tesco do deliver..... :wink:
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By DevilsDuck
I knew it....*bing bong* DTJ to aisle 4, spillage near the KY Jelly, Security keep your eyes open for a scottish bloke covered in elephant jizz *bing bing*
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By DevilsDuck
I just realised my error, KY is never in aisle 4
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By Yudster
dimtimjim wrote:Tesco do deliver..... :wink:

This is true, and an excellent service it is. However there are still people who don't own computers in the world. Hard to grasp, I know, but the things is, they are often the same people that can't get to Tesco.
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By DevilsDuck
dimtimjim wrote:Tesco do deliver..... :wink:

they also do lamb, chicken and fish
By bmstinton93
Yudster wrote:
dimtimjim wrote:Tesco do deliver..... :wink:

This is true, and an excellent service it is. However there are still people who don't own computers in the world. Hard to grasp, I know, but the things is, they are often the same people that can't get to Tesco.

They do provide an excellent service as well. I agree there. It is better than Sainsbury's delivery and I have never tried ASDA's.
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By foot-loose
DevilsDuck wrote:
dimtimjim wrote:Tesco do deliver..... :wink:

they also do lamb, chicken and fish

Such an obvious joke I deliberately didn't post it. You should be ashamed.