Since my power just went, I've got to type it all again
(in no order)
1. The first opening jingle. To start a show with such a self-centred (in a good way) song could have been disastrous, but Chris and the team pulled it off so well.
2. Chris's leaving announcement. He handled it so well and I was glad he told us, and we didn't hear it from The Sun, or get told that Grimmy was taking over before we knew he was leaving.
3. The marathon show. Of course it was in here. Loved the last few hours of it more than any other. Oh, and the bit where Jimmy Carr was on
4. The pay "rant". Not a rant, just a slightly angry opening link. Which, as I said in the other post, was one of the best openers a radio show has seen.
5. Toby Lerone, and his extended family.
6. This visual moment which I've just found on YouTube: "Calling Fergus Dudley, unless you say cancel..."
8. Justin Lee Collins and Alan Carr singing Chris some birthday jingles
9. The entire 2012 birthday show.
10. Dave being late for the show in Carlisle. Still think you should have left him until 0955 for a laugh.
Many more which should probably be in there. But those are the ones I can think of lol