The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
By Guest
in elliptical styleee<br><br>- been lovin the shows over the last couple days.<br> i think everyone here is in a mutual state of cant be arsedness. i blame it on the very dark mornings :) <br><br>nearly half term. come on you * of a friday daytime, hurry up get to dark time and let drinking commence.<br><br>- what does everyone think of those stories by harvey the hard fuquár (or whatever he's called)? <br>- my highlight for today was the chinese YMCA. faaantastic.<br><br>orange organics for reform.<br><br><br>- one last thing. we need more members pictures. go uglybob go. i might even make an appearance if it weren't for the fear of getting caught.<br><br>where is chris harris?<br><br><br>
By the_dr
The shows have been amazing over the past few days (apart from pap idol). Harvey The Tough Faquár is pure pure genius - but I'm glad it's only for one weeks - or else it would be spoilt. The 'Dave is gay' stuff today was fantastic - I'm surprised he didn't do the "I'm super, thanks for asking" gag :)<br><br>Everyones in a funny mood at the moment. <br>239jssj83333jdaks <- everybody<br><br>I agree - more piccies. How about yourself - even though you've been on certain avatars already. Same with Mr Harris.
By Everlast
by the time i managed to get hold of my radio in work it was 6:00 so please don't say how good these shows were, also i listened to Dave Peersh and it wasn't that bad.