Request and download your Moyles-related sound or video clips in here
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By Console
As far as I can tell, there aren't any jingles anywhere near 9:05 (the closest is at about 8:45), are you sure you have the time right? If so, what jingle is it?
By davedaveson
sorry it was 9:35 not 9:05, i knew it was after the news just not which one
By stingray
could someone please post the 8:35 jingle - the one with the egg head remark, loved that
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By oliver
think was 7-30 but anychance of the Will young jingle haha was great
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By oliver

can i ask will the beds be on the site anytime soon, like i mean the (make your own jingle) music? also the full themes were somewhere?
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By Console
oliver wrote:can i ask will the beds be on the site anytime soon, like i mean the (make your own jingle) music?

Only if someone can get there hands on them from somewhere, or if they're pieced together by someone.

oliver wrote:also the full themes were somewhere?
