Request and download your Moyles-related sound or video clips in here
Or, more accurately, Chris Holmes on Radio Luxembourg. For those who don't know the story, Moyles changed his on-air surname to Holmes, his mother's maiden name, as there was another DJ there called Jonathan Miles.

Anyway, here is an 18-year-old Chris Moyles presenting a Sunday afternoon show on the 3rd May 1992 (the date is concrete as there's a news bulletin half way through which is easy to date due to the report of a F1 Grand Prix result). All the stereotypical DJ traits that characters such as Smashie and Nicey, Chris Morris' Wayne Carr, Victor Lewis-Smith's Steve Nage and, of course, modern day Chris Moyles were, and still are, taking the piss out of, are here. Talking up to the vocal, DJ laughs, DJ 'd's - "Wed, Wed, Wed", and so on. But, for an 18-year-old kid 2 months into a stint at a famous radio station, in a foreign land, it ain't too bad. Didn't get a chance to do much talking, though. Out of the approx. 60 minute extract I have from this show, this compilation of links is merely 7 minutes long. These days, he plays 7 minutes of music in an hour...

Got this from a stupidly big Radio Luxembourg sound archive which seems to be the work of one guy and his extensive tape collection, from what I can fathom. I'd imagine Chris himself is aware of it as it looks a couple of years old, although this particular show was only uploaded a few months back. There are two more Chris Holmes shows on there, which I'll post highlights from soon, including one from a particularly memorable day for Chris.

Anyway, enjoy. This is uploaded to zShare which allows you to download or stream the file direct.
jamiec21 wrote:Or, more accurately, Chris Holmes on Radio Luxembourg. For those who don't know the story, Moyles changed his on-air surname to Holmes, his mother's maiden name, as there was another DJ there called Jonathan Miles.

Anyway, here is an 18-year-old Chris Moyles presenting a Sunday afternoon show on the 3rd May 1992 (the date is concrete as there's a news bulletin half way through which is easy to date due to the report of a F1 Grand Prix result). All the stereotypical DJ traits that characters such as Smashie and Nicey, Chris Morris' Wayne Carr, Victor Lewis-Smith's Steve Nage and, of course, modern day Chris Moyles were, and still are, taking the piss out of, are here. Talking up to the vocal, DJ laughs, DJ 'd's - "Wed, Wed, Wed", and so on. But, for an 18-year-old kid 2 months into a stint at a famous radio station, in a foreign land, it ain't too bad. Didn't get a chance to do much talking, though. Out of the approx. 60 minute extract I have from this show, this compilation of links is merely 7 minutes long. These days, he plays 7 minutes of music in an hour...

Got this from a stupidly big Radio Luxembourg sound archive which seems to be the work of one guy and his extensive tape collection, from what I can fathom. I'd imagine Chris himself is aware of it as it looks a couple of years old, although this particular show was only uploaded a few months back. There are two more Chris Holmes shows on there, which I'll post highlights from soon, including one from a particularly memorable day for Chris.

Anyway, enjoy. This is uploaded to zShare which allows you to download or stream the file direct.

Aboslutely brilliant, & what a great treat, especially something that's over 15 years old :eek:, thanks for this.

Graciously passes on Legend Crown :)
Listening back :lol: god he sounds different :lol: The station for the 21st Century, today jingle made me chuckle, ironic that Radio Luxembourg closed down in 1992.

Any chance of the full show with the music :D

Great stuff BTW, Imagine if Dave had worked with him back on Capital or Luxembourg, he would have had much longer links by now :lol:
This thread reminded me I download a couple of shows right before Luxembourg closed down (must of been the same website) and they've been in sat my iTunes listening to his last ever show...

Music so far...

Morrissey, James Brown, Madonna and Don Henley (Boys of Summer which Chris loves) and Luther Vandross (which is 'great')
Even in the 1999 ones, he has a much higher voice.
Topher wrote:Even in the 1999 ones, he has a much higher voice.

To be fair though the tape player I use is every so slightly faster than it should be (it dates from the mid 80's but is more reliable than all the walkman's I bought in the 90's :lol:). Having said that on the 18th September 2001, which is from a Mini Disc, he sound's different.

Peter Davison's the same, listen to him when he's playing The Doctor (between 1981-1984) & then listen to the Doctor Who commentaries, not as softly spoken or as posh as he once was (unless he had to put that voice on back then, but even so he would have slipped up from time to time)
Yeah, but Dave's voice isn't really that different.
Topher wrote:Yeah, but Dave's voice isn't really that different.

Yeah your right, listening to Dave, Will & Jon Culshaw, they don't sound much different. Wonder what Melinda sounds like now, apparently it was implied on air that he smoked more than Chris (on one I've taped but I don't think I've edited yet Chris applauds Melinda for not smoking & asks him how many he would normally smoke, Melinda replies 20 of which Chris retorts Yeah(!) during the show.) 8O
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