Request and download your Moyles-related sound or video clips in here
By Hutch
Don't spose anyone has a clip of the team messing about over the Gorillaz' track Dare.

Saying "It's Dave".

I know it was a long time back, but it still cracks me up. Ta.
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By Console
If you can get me a date and approximate time then I can clip it for you, but I don't have time to search for it.
By funnydave
I have it but it's on a bout a 90minute part of the Chris Moyles Breakfast Show on a wav file.

Can I send it to someone and they could edit it out?
By funnydave
Dickie wrote:funnydave, try this

Whats This Audacidy?
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By Console
Audacity is a free open source cross platform audio editing package. It can allow you to do all kinds of things, but for you it can be used to cut up your large audio file.
By funnydave
Is It easy to use Console because I am not very good with the jazzy-wazzy stuff on PC s?
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By Console
By 'jazzy-wazzy' I'm going to assume you mean technical. It is fairly simple to use, however, as with most powerful apps, it cac be a little daunting.

To clip what you want you would load the file, find the and highlight what you want to clip and go to File -> Export selectio as mp3. Save the file and you're done.
By funnydave
Could you explain the last paragraph again more simpler please!
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By fish heads
If you don't understand that last paragraph i wouldn't bother. Thats about as simple as it gets
Audacity is quality. Only problem is it takes ages to export to mp3..
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By Console
Doesn't take me that long, about 20s for a 10min clip.
By funnydave
fish heads wrote:If you don't understand that last paragraph i wouldn't bother. Thats about as simple as it gets

Fish Heads I am easyly confused!
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fish heads wrote:Never...

Amazing isn't it. Never would of thought.