Request and download your Moyles-related sound or video clips in here
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By skinally
Can anyone help me I would like the audio of the interview with Carlos Bernard form 24 particularly when he rang up
Davina McCall not sure when the interview was hope someone can help

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By skinally
First of all I would like to say thank you for the link
secondly I would like to say that there really is no need to be so * and condescending I did try the search bar but couldn't find any thing I then tried the interview section and still couldn't find it I am also new to this site and still trying to find my way around and I do believe it was a simple enquiry and no sarcasm was needed.
Thank you again for finding what I wanted
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By Stickyshocker
Its not just you i was talking about, loads of users dont even seem to be bothered to use it then just do a post for something that could have been found so easly. This problem keeps coming up again and again. I appologise for the post if it seems harsh but it was more for all users to read and perhaps getting them to use the search feature more often then just posting for something that has been in most repects been brought up more than once. Now your first post didn't say if you had tried to find it but was having problems and would require help, it implies that you have not tried and want someone else to do the hard work for you hence the post about using the search feature. Anyways welcome to the site.

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