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How long do you take for lunch on average?

More than an hour
45mins to an hr
30 to 45mins
30mins or less
No lunch
By Graham
yes it is in our company handbook :P
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By Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog
i only want to take 30 mins. like Adam i'm on Flexi so it just cuts my day down.
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By kendra k
i wish i was on flex-time. i'm the only person here who isn't, actually. i have to be here till 5 everyday... boooooooo!
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By MK Chris
I tend to stay late as well if need be. It's much faster working when everyone's gone home (although the helpdesk stuff you can't necessarily do, but that's what makes it quicker.)
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By Betti911
I hate working past 5 but its true you do get more work done if you work late. I hate having people bothering me during the day with phone calls from clients. When they phone speaking to them actually prevents me from doing their work but they are just too stupid to realise.
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By Quincy
i work till 6 every day and from 5 - 6 is when i do the most productive work because theres less idiots around to talk to me and ask me how to do things that they should know how to do.
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By Betti911
I'd like to set up my own company at some point so I wouldn't have to work with fools. I am helping to train a junior member of staff at the moment and its painful!
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By fish heads
Graham wrote:yes it is in our company handbook :P

Well you say that, but until I see it - I am rendering it unofficial
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By Quincy
its only official unles it has some kind of stamp
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By fish heads
Preferably one saying "official" rather than you having just put a picture of the queen next to it
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By Sidders
I can legally work for 5 hours a day without a break if I want. I usually have one though. Flexitime rocks, although I normally end up doing more hours than I'm paid for.
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By Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog
eh? the whole point of flexitime is that you build it up and then can use the time for days off and stuff. so its technically impossible to work more hours than you are paid overall.....
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By Sidders
Yeah, but I don't like leaving a job unfinished. I may at some point have a couple of days off with the time I've accumulated.
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By Adam
Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog wrote:i only want to take 30 mins. like Adam i'm on Flexi so it just cuts my day down.

I think most of Local Government workers are on Flexi. I've only recently found out what i've gathered has to be used in a time frame. Now i'm starting to think that reading the staff handbook was a good idea after all..

Makes up for the rubbish pay.. ;)
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By kendra k
sounds just like being a university employee. if i wasn't in public service, i could have flex-time like the tech service people in my library. the pay sucks, but the flex-time, benefits, and odd holidays make up for it.
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By Adam
kendra k wrote:sounds just like being a university employee. if i wasn't in public service, i could have flex-time like the tech service people in my library. the pay sucks, but the flex-time, benefits, and odd holidays make up for it.

yeah - benefits wise kinda make up for it.