Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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By dimtimjim
This is for all you gamers out there.

A new game, coming out tomorrow on PC/PS3/XBOX - Crysis 2. Is being billed as one of the games of the year. 9/10 reviews.

One of my mates worked on the game, so am supporting him!
By R94N
Is it an FPS or something like that? Sounds cool.
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By dimtimjim
Yeah, an FPS set in new york. The story revolves around alien invasion (don't they all) which is set to mimic the destruction/devesation which hit NYC on 09/11.....
By DarroM
Will be getting it this weekend in Belfast when I go see Jimmy Carr live. A friend I have online is pretty much addicted to the MP and loves playing it. Unless like stinson said, your friend can get us free copies? :P
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By dimtimjim
He gets a free copy for himself, but thats all.

Been playing it over the weekend, tis a good game. The single player is very atmospheric and graphically impressive. Loving it so far. And the multiplayer is very 'CoD', which i'm sure will please many.

Any one else get it?!
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By dimtimjim
We've established before, you can't afford a PS3, so what good would it be to you?!!!
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By dimtimjim
Nah... Just one copy, so he specified PS3. Its in the shops for £40 though.... Save up from your paper-round....! :wink:
By bmstinton93
Shut it you. I actually work but there is no point me buying it as i hardly get any time on my 360 lately.
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By dimtimjim
bmstinton93 wrote:Shut it you.

:D I'm only yanking ya pi$$er.
By R94N
See, he does the whole car thief thing with me, but it's easier to ignore when you're just talking on a forum :D
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By dimtimjim
R94N wrote: but it's easier to ignore

By Lesotho
Hope I can finish this one. Could never get past the boss on he last one. Betcya they'll have an even harder finish in C2.
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By nade
Lesotho wrote:Hope I can finish this one. Could never get past the boss on he last one. Betcya they'll have an even harder finish in C2.

I won't spoil it, but all I will say is don't expect a "big" boss at the end of the game. But the way it finishes, it leaves it open for a third game.

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