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FIFA or Pro. Evolution?

FIFA 2003
Pro Evolution 2
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By ninemaster
Come on now geek boys who cares what it is. Sidla world domination will not be possible if you give away all your trade secrets.
Back on topic - Pro Evolution cannot and will not ever be beaten without doubt the greatest footy game ever made.
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By Sidders
ninemaster wrote:Come on now geek boys who cares what it is. Sidla world domination will not be possible if you give away all your trade secrets.

That's why I told him in confidence. If I ever meet ASG in person I'll punch his lights out.
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By Nablo.
I doubt you will, you would raise your arm then stop for a quick burger snack then finnish the punch off with ASG looking at you laughing.
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By Sidders
Cheeky sod.
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By Mcqueen_
HaHa, See Nablo isn't so grumpy and can actually be funny.

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