Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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By Munki Bhoy
Snow's back here, just as I thought we were done for another year.
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By MK Chris
Sunny So Cal wrote:Pah. That's just a bridge without snow.

Alright, fussy, I've found one on Facebook:

As well as a couple of other good ones in and around Newport Pagnell:






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By Sunny So Cal
I'll be fussier and say you didn't actually take any of these pictures yourself...
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By MK Chris
Yeah, but seeing as I was slow to get them, I've nicked them off one of my sister's friends' Facebook.
By tricks008
Woke up to lots of snow this morning and a message from my boss telling me not to even attempt the drive to work. Wouldn't dream of disobeying the boss so went straight back to bed :D
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By Andy B
Bed? BED? Those snowmen aren't gonna build emselves you know. And who knows. He might just come alive and whisk you off to the snowman's ball accompanied by an Aled Jones track but sung by some other kid.
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By MK Chris
More for us today too (I did take these ones):










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By Andy B
Very pretty. We've just got black slush left now.
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By Johnny 1989
Andy B wrote:Very pretty. We've just got black slush left now.

Yeah East London has more or less lost all of it's snow except the piles of snow where people have shoveled the snow to make a clear path & in some front & back gardens. My snowman is now just a a little pile of melted snow :( :lol:
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By AC021193
We had snow properly for the first time yesterday. Brilliant!

Today it's frozen. Not so good........
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By CassieJackson
We've got our first little snowfall this morning. Barely enough to make a snowman, but at least the ground is covered!
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By Zoot
We've had the worst yet. I stupidly came into work and wish I hadn't, it took me half an hour longer to get in and it's still snowing heavily out there.
It makes me laugh - a girl who works here didn't make it in - she lives a mile away from work down a main road AND she has a 4x4, I live 12 miles away down lanes and I have my little hatchback...
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By MK Chris
People are idiots in the snow though. I got in, but then I walked in like I do most days. Matt thought my umbrella was supposed to be white, but actually it's black. It slowed up a little while ago, but it's going quite heavy again now.
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By Yudster
It keeps snowing here but because we had a lot of rain overnight the snow is immediately turning to slush which is horrible, and will probably freeze overnight tonight.

Baby Yudster's school trip to the zoo was postponed at the last minute - sad that they all went in excited and then were disappointed, but they'll do it another time and I'm pleased, because I'd have been worrying about him being wet, cold and miserable all day.
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By AndyJ
My snowman is now just a a little pile of melted snow

How can you have Melted Snow?
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By AndyJ
Sorry for the double post, I ment to click preview instead of submit...

If its melted snow, isnt it just water?
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By S4B
One of my boys has the day off school AGAIN! It's not even the one who goes to a school in the middle of nowhere! I have found him chores to do - he's not happy!
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By Yudster
Is it his fault then? Not that he shouldn't help out, but you make it sound like a punishment.
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By Boboff
Where we live in the bottom of the valley, no snow. School at the top of the hill, 4 inches.

Hence Snow Day off school, but no blinking snow for the kids! Lady Bobette had a trip to the Museum in Plymouth canceled because of it !

I might seem a bit soft, but I keep thinking when I look at the wet scarf and hat on the ground with a little lump of ice looking like the decayed corpse of some ancient Pharaoh amongst his once close fitting regalia, that it really is a very sad and poignant symbol for the passing of fun times, and the loss of innocence of youth epitomized by todays materialist culture. Similar to a scene of a party on the morning after.......Hmmmm
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By Yudster
You're soft you.
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By Andy B
You great big Jessie!
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By S4B
Yudster wrote:Is it his fault then? Not that he shouldn't help out, but you make it sound like a punishment.

Not a punishment no, but he has to learn that you don't just get to sit around on your day off. I have cleaned, polished, mopped and hoovered today, I think he should help out. Dean helped out on Tuesday when Robert had to go to school.