Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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By foot-loose
Both are built entirely on the people you are friends with or following. They make it what it is.

Ergo, as you lot are the main crowd I follow on twitter, it's your fault it's pish. My REAL friends are basically better than you. Nae luck ;) x
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By Bonanzoid
If they really were you wouldn't be back speaking to us because you love us. ;)
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By foot-loose
But now I can speak to you on a medium which makes sense. Where a conversation can flow and grow as people drop in and out. Twitter makes you have the same conversation with several people at different times.
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By Yudster
foot-loose wrote:Only to those who don't have conversations.

I kind of know what you mean. Here is good for conversations. Conversations are not what I am looking for on Twitter though, which is probably why it works for me. However this:

Nicola_Red wrote:..........(the teenagers who talk in text-speak, the cousin who publishes a new album of photos for every week of her baby's life - I'm not exaggerating) aren't on there. Or maybe its just not having to wade through pages of YouTube videos that people see fit to post (hey, we can search YouTube ourselves!)......

is one of the many reasons I detest Facebook. The ridiculous assumption that it is appropriate in any way shape or form to paint your life in full living colour in public is loathesome to me.
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By dimtimjim
Yudster wrote:is one of the many reasons I detest Facebook. The ridiculous assumption that it is appropriate in any way shape or form to paint your life in full living colour in public is loathesome to me.

Wot she sed.

EDIT : Wot she sed, with 'loathsome' replaced with 'of zero appeal'.
By bmstinton93
Yudster wrote:
Nicola_Red wrote:..........(the teenagers who talk in text-speak, the cousin who publishes a new album of photos for every week of her baby's life - I'm not exaggerating) aren't on there. Or maybe its just not having to wade through pages of YouTube videos that people see fit to post (hey, we can search YouTube ourselves!)......

is one of the many reasons I detest Facebook. The ridiculous assumption that it is appropriate in any way shape or form to paint your life in full living colour in public is loathesome to me.

Talking of that, this is a status I saw yesterday:

"Been a productive 2 days and am absolutely shattered- making sure my great nans been ok whilst grandmas been in london, making sure she's fed and everything, picked up my cousin and babysit her, watched a few films, got two assignments done and another started and made some cupcakes and chocolate cookies :)"

That's not a status, that's an essay.
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By dimtimjim

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By Nicola_Red
Exactly! I don't wanna read essays. And I've seen longer facebook statuses than that. Twitter forces you to be succinct. And Ben and I have conversations on Twitter all the time - often with Rich or Travis or someone else too - it's perfectly possible.
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By a-moron
Yudster wrote:I was following you but I have Twitter on at home, and my 8 year old sometimes sits with me (we keep up with what our squash-playing friends are up to on Twitter) and he can read REALLY well - and the stuff you were writing wasn't stuff I wanted him reading. So I had to stop.

I can appreciate that, I offend myself sometimes, so apologies to baby yuds who will have to wait a few more years to learn some new words.

bmstinton93 wrote:Don't worry Scott, I still follow you.

Thanks Ben

bmstinton93 wrote:Twitter > Facebook.

* you Ben
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By Yudster
bmstinton93 wrote:
Yudster wrote:
Nicola_Red wrote:..........(the teenagers who talk in text-speak, the cousin who publishes a new album of photos for every week of her baby's life - I'm not exaggerating) aren't on there. Or maybe its just not having to wade through pages of YouTube videos that people see fit to post (hey, we can search YouTube ourselves!)......

is one of the many reasons I detest Facebook. The ridiculous assumption that it is appropriate in any way shape or form to paint your life in full living colour in public is loathesome to me.

Talking of that, this is a status I saw yesterday:

"Been a productive 2 days and am absolutely shattered- making sure my great nans been ok whilst grandmas been in london, making sure she's fed and everything, picked up my cousin and babysit her, watched a few films, got two assignments done and another started and made some cupcakes and chocolate cookies :)"

That's not a status, that's an essay.

And the fact that the person who wrote it assumes that it will be of interest to ANYONE other then themselves is pathetic.
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By Yudster
Everything on that list sums up Facebook though.
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By chrysostom
If you're doing it wrong.

It also sums up everything that's bad about here and twitter!
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By catherine
I'm not fussed about either. Facebook is annoying especially if someone tries to tag my fugly face on to a photo when I'm drunk and looking stupidly cheerful. Twitter does my head in because all you get is people trying to make their life sound interesting, I go to tweet and then I think to myself I don't even give a shit so why would anyone else. Sometimes I have a good evening tweeting though if something big is on that everyone is watching.
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By Nicola_Red
Banal status updates, oversharing and weather reports are definitely the scourge of both twitter and facebook, but most of the others only apply to facebook.
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By chrysostom
Abuse is more prevalant on twitter as it's fairly anonymous (even though there have been a few high profile arrests made recently). Facebook gets less abuse, but still a lot.
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By foot-loose
Nicola_Red wrote: Ben and I have conversations on Twitter all the time - often with Rich or Travis or someone else too - it's perfectly possible.

Only if you copy each other in which seems, by default, to stop it appearing to everyone else (unless I go to tweets sent to you in which case I see half the conversation). Which doesn't make sense to me.

Yuds - why do you think you need to post your entire life on Facebook? Post whatever you want. And all the privacy settings are entirely customisable (anyone who says otherwise just doesn't understand them). And if you don't want to follow people that talk like kids, don't follow them - my Facebook certainly isn't full of them.
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By Nicola_Red
If I defriended my cousins it would cause a fuss. I'm from a big family. I usually hide their updates - which is a faff and can't be done via the app.
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By Yudster
foot-loose wrote:Yuds - why do you think you need to post your entire life on Facebook? Post whatever you want. And all the privacy settings are entirely customisable (anyone who says otherwise just doesn't understand them). And if you don't want to follow people that talk like kids, don't follow them - my Facebook certainly isn't full of them.

Its too easy for it all to go haywire. And Facebook has been instrumental in more than one unpleasant matter affecting my family, notwithstanding their minimal use of the damn thing. And that's nothing to some of the things I have heard which have happened to other people as a result of getting involved in that cess-pool of - of - of - cess. Anyway, I'm glad you like it and I hope no one uses it to rip your life apart as has happened to more than one other person.
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By foot-loose
Well I suppose that is a valid reason. My only defence would be that it's a bit like blaming the knife for stabbing someone rather than the individual responsible. However, I understand the logic of just avoiding it altogether.
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By Yudster
foot-loose wrote:Well I suppose that is a valid reason. My only defence would be that it's a bit like blaming the knife for stabbing someone rather than the individual responsible. However, I understand the logic of just avoiding it altogether.

Aye, you're probably right. But it provided the tool for people to do bad things. So its a tool.
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