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who is the fittest neighbours honey?

mac (the WPC who is secretly a drug dealer)
susan kennedy
lyn scully
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By Betti911
fish heads wrote:They have a cure for Blindness in Erinsborough, so they probably have a cure for bullet wounds as well

They must have money making machines too as noone appears to work.
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By fish heads
Apart from Harold & Lou, who are always at the "G.S.", Stu who is at every crime scene, Toadie who legally represents everyone and Karl who cures everyone at hospital.

The kids are hardly ever at school though. Also Lyn annoys me as she is always complaining about a lack of money and is never at the salon. Lucky her contract isn't being renewed during this year
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By Betti911
To be fair though theres not really enough crime in Neighbours to keep Toadie's job secure... well not in my firm anyway. And what kind of doctor is Karl.... GP, surgeon and expert in every rare medical problem rolled into one?

In reality Harold and Lou would have retired long ago and Stu would have far less time as every policeman I've ever met in constantly working funny hours and has no life.
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By fish heads
Toadie doesn't just concentrate on crime - He sorts people's disputes over garden fences and such like Betti.
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By Sidders
It was hilarious yesterday. I can't wait for todays!
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By fish heads
My friend says it's a corker today. Only 15 minutes until we find out. Until then, I hope Lizo has another brilliant Harry Potter report on Newsround
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By fish heads
Sky was wearing a good outfit today, before Elle ruined it
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By Quincy
I wish i was able to post in this thread still. RIP quincys neighbours viewing
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By fish heads
Why don't you catch up using THE INTERNET???

This thread is slowly being killed
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By Quincy
quite frankly my dear i just dont have the time
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By fish heads
I thought you said you were going to quit your job for Neighbours.

This is a sad day
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By Quincy
i got a promotion. im thinking of getting a tv in the staffroom anyway so stratiegic breaks throughout the day could be beneficial for my neighbours viewage.
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By fish heads
You should do. I will warn you of any days where any of the girls may be flashing their cleavage.
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By Quincy
that avatar pic is great
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By fish heads
Thanks. It was Sky's sexy outfit for Gino's play. She has to kiss Ned lots in that outfit which made Elle jealious and that outfit only added to the problems!!!

It's just like Saved by the Bell. But sexier.
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By Betti911
It looks like a Baywatch swimsuit.
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By fish heads
Nothing wrong with that

It's more sparkly as well
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By GF05
What happened to that bikini place that Toadie owned?, i don't think it's been mentioned since before the plane crash, if he sold it shouldn't Harold have got some money since Serene was a partner?.
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By fish heads
Well since the entire shop floor staff were presumed dead, Toadie probably decided to close it temporarily and hasn't opened it since. I doubt he would have sold it off just yet, since it would be too complicated with one partner actually having died. It'll just lay unmentioned until it is next needed as a plot device
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By Sidders
He signed ownership over to Bouncer 5 to avoid a legal battle contesting the name.
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By fish heads
But of course Bouncers 1-4 now want a piece of the action as well, and so a court case will commence soon
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By Sidders
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By Betti911
fish heads wrote:Well since the entire shop floor staff were presumed dead, Toadie probably decided to close it temporarily and hasn't opened it since. I doubt he would have sold it off just yet, since it would be too complicated with one partner actually having died. It'll just lay unmentioned until it is next needed as a plot device

In real life that would be very complicated and prob take a good few years to sort out. Depends if Serene has a will. If not then Serene's share would be getting paid to her estate at the moment until they sort it out. Doubt that Toadie could see it without Serene's executor's consent.
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By Quincy

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