Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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By Sidders
Havn't most people been bullied in real life?
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By Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog
not me. cos i would have sat on them...

there are some ace pictures of me with NHS specs and shellsuits from when i was about 10 or 11. I also used to have blond hair.... if i had a scanner i would put them up because no one would recognise me now from then. I was almost thin!
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By Sidders
Post them to me and I will scan them in.
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By Quincy
you are a strange lad sidla
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By Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog
im slightly worried by his eagerness. they aren't naked ones sidders.
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By Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog
if they are lifesize it would be a fire hazard.
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By Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog
from your old pic it looked like you had a bit of lagging yourself.
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By Quincy
got worse?
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By Sidders
I saw a picture of me the other day and I thought "damn, what a handsome sod I am".
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By fish heads
Don't you own any mirrors Sidla?
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By Sidders
It doesn't quite capture it the way a photograph can.
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By MK Chris
Back to Mr Count again - he got better for a bit but has gone back to being a twat. What's all this pretending to be Moyles bollocks.
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By Mafro
He's a right tosser over at aswell, thinks he's the bees knees.
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By fish heads
When someone starts reffering to themselves as "God" and is clearly not joking, there is something definatly wrong
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By Mafro
He is here-by known as "downcunt".
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By fish heads
Ha, we have all thought it. Has it ever been posted though, before now?
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By Quincy
a bit harsh
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By Mafro
Harsh but true/fair.
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By fish heads
A bit too lenient if you ask me
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By fish heads
New pic of downcount just found..*


*Made poorly by me on a crappy photoshop rip off