Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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By Sam
Who's the girl?
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By MK Chris
Looks like someone from a cheesy cosmetics advert, but nice all the same.
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By Mcqueen_
Sam wrote:Who's the girl?

Dunno, get pics from image searches.
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By MK Chris
Chris wrote:As it's message board related the best place for it is the message board.
I'm happy to do a random draw if you want someone in dependant to match up
question to people. If people sent their questions I could send them back
out to everyone who wanted to take part (I can see all addresses on the board).

General or Private only?

I have one PM so far, let me know...
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By Sidders
I'd rather answer a question than ask a question I think. I'm really bad at thinking of things to ask people.
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By Morals
I'm in.

Oh, and the girl in McQueens sig looks like Louise "I'm going to leave that stupid twat for Morals" Nurding
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By Minnie the Minx
I'll answer questions. If I ask them they'll be really crap.
By Bridgie
i havent really been following this thread but going on the gist of things, ill ask and answer some Qs
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By Gigglyboots
Me too...what do we all have to do to get involved, send you a pm topher?
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By MK Chris
Nah, if you let me know in some way, just posting on here is fine. If it gets off the ground that is. There are a couple who only want to answer, which might present a problem, but we'll see how things go.
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By kendra k
sounds weird but whatever. you kids are fun.
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By Minnie the Minx
I don't mind asking the questions. It's just that they won't be the best questions.
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By Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog
stuff like: is your belly button fluff blue too? and Can you detail all of your sexual partners in alphabetical order and what kind of stuff you did with them? i may find a little intrusive...
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By MK Chris
Gaspode will be the best person to be interviewed by I reckon.

Its best if you get someone whos pic is on the members gallery, 'cos then you can pick on aspects of their appearance.
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By Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog
can i pick on my own appearance? so im a fat ignorant bastard what are YOU going to do about it?
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