Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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By Andy B
Yudster wrote:No one is making you feel guilty. If guilt is the natural response to the facts you are being presented with, thats not anyone else's fault, And how you respond to that feeling is up to you. The only thing thats happening here is that some of us are not playing along with your denial. That doesn't mean you can't continue it, just that we won't be joining you!

Well I DO feel guilty and I don't like it....we live in a blame culture society so I'm blaming everyone else for making em feel guilty when I don't want to.

I much prefer living in my own little head in the sand bubble....stupid, immature, childish, yes but it suits me.
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By Yudster
So do it! Just don't expect other poeple to join you there.
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By foot-loose
Andy B wrote:But Everyone is making me feel really guilty about what I eat...I just want to eat stuff and not care about where it comes from....

Aww come on Andy. Yer a smart guy - don't say that. You don't mean you don't care where it comes from, you mean that you would rather just not know too much about it. No-one, not even you, can deny that at one point, the bacon you eat at one point was a pig. I appreciate that you don't want to think of it like that nor do you really want to associate your bacon sarni with Mr Trotters. However, to say that you don't care about it implies that you don't give a toss what sort of life Mr Trotters has and I know you do... or at least I hope I know you do.

Basically what I am saying is that you don't need to think about the intricate details, just check to see that you are buying free range whenever possible - you don't even need to worry about what that means, just that it is good. This way, you can eat with a clear concious.
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By Yudster
And no-one is suggestion you go veggie, or even take your principles to the extent that I do - I'm very lucky to be able to do so, because of where I live and people I know who can help. Just be aware of the choices, and where possible, go for the free-range or outdoor reared. Don't get too hung up on "organic", it doesn't always mean much.
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Yudster wrote:And no-one is suggestion you go veggie, or even take your principles to the extent that I do - I'm very lucky to be able to do so, because of where I live and people I know who can help. Just be aware of the choices, and where possible, go for the free-range or outdoor reared. Don't get too hung up on "organic", it doesn't always mean much.

I was just about to post here and realised we're not in the kill it cook it eat it thread. Ahh what the heck, I am sort of coming from the same angle as Andy, as I've only recently bothered to give a damn about food and where it comes from. My dad has actually this week turned veggie, which has shocked me a bit, and its all cos of the show - and these shows are having quite an influence on me, specially when I saw a clip from 'Hugh's Chicken Run' the other day. he was reduced to tears after beginning to cull some of the factory chickens.

Chickens are the ones that are beginning to strike a chord with my conscience, and I've read the news - battery farming will be outlawed by 2012. I'm glad that not only am I starting to sit up and listen but collectively as a nation we're fighting for those that cannot speak for themselves.

Its after watching videos like this, distressing ones, that I start to wonder if theres any such thing as killing an animal humanely. ... 307570.ece
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By foot-loose
While the death itself of the animal is never going to be a brilliant thing, my concern is more to do with their quality of life. I could be all self rightious and demand that the animal doesnt feel any distress at all at the end, but I think that might be a bit naive of me.
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By Zoot
Hang on, just noticed that...
Disclaimer: um DOES NOT stand for Unofficial Mills.
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By S4B
Andy B wrote:I'm a slave to my consciounse (oh how do you spell that word, the voice in your head that tells you when you're doing bad things). Normaly it's asleep but everyone's woken it up again now and it's bossy!

foot-loose wrote: This way, you can eat with a clear concious.

Can no one on this board spell???

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By Andy B
*looks at own signature*

*points at S4B*

*Points at signature*

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By Andy B
I don't know how to spell every word in the dictionary, it's HUGE! anyway, conscience is a difficult word to spell, like asparagus and diahorreah and I'm never sure if words end "ly" or "ley" so I just guess at them.

A lot of the time I'm touch typing quite quickly and can't be bothered to go back and alter it as long as it looks ok.

Have you lot not figured out that I'm really lazy yet?

Oh adn msot poelpe can udenrsantd waht is bineg tpeyd if teh frsit adn lsat lterets aer in teh rghit pacle!
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By foot-loose
Shush, S4B. I check most of the words I'm not sure about - don't you start waving yer spelling willy at me. Plus, you regularly make mistakes as well so, as Jesus said to Judas, "piss off".
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By Console
S4B wrote:Your interpretation of the bible is very strange young Mr Loose

And strangely, as valid as any other interpretation.