- Tue Jun 21, 2011 3:59 pm
I used to love eating Tomato. I remember eating one when I was 5 or 6 and it was bruised or rotten or something, I would not eat and still do not eat fresh tomato. Now I know it's in my head and I just ate a bad one, but I now DO NOT LIKE the taste of fresh Tomato.
I absolutley love then sundired with garlic and herbs etc, and now I am a grown up will eat things with it in without picking it out and feeling sick, apart from one dish, * Caserole, I HATE IT, all those tomato pips and skins, and bits of clot floting around in your dinner, it's like slow cooked TNC boil 'n the Bag.
I will eat pretty much anything else but don't like many single dish meals like Pasta Bake, Stew, Rice and stuff, Carbonnarra. I like to have individual parts to food. I will eat it, but I don't enjoy it. However I did do Chicken Spiced Rice with Chcik Peas last night and we have got chicken carbonarra tonight, but I had a chicken carcas to made stock for the rice and I have a pot of greek yogurt I want to use up, so it's all relative, as is my Uncle.