Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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By Vivienne

Scientists have discovered that Sodium Acetate, the flavour in Salt and Vinegar crisps, can increase the life of concrete.
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By Vivienne
For some bizarre reason, I felt quite impressed when I read this in a newspaper @ lunchtime (!!). Too many pills today, me thinks :-)
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By DemonHorse
so is the stage before you watch paint dry, and enjoy it as if you were watching your favourite movie?
or is this stage after that?
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By MK Chris
I'm amazed you remember the second line of that. Maybe my memory is just crap.
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By MK Chris
Also, when your hair sticks up, does it actually look like telephone wire?
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By Betti911
As this is obv a rambling topic... what does it mean when a guy says to your boyfriend that his girlfriend is wearing an 'interesting dress'.....
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By Betti911
Mmmm and what would you say if someone said this about your girlfriend? I would suppose you'd find it quite insulting, no?
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By Betti911
Well he picked my dress. Am still mad at him for not sticking up for me. I initially thought he was attacking my fashion sense. Oh well....
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By Betti911
Thankyou :) Theres nothing worse than when you are all dressed up and someone isn't nice about you though. Guys wouldn't understand....