The best fools trick I have heard which would work equally as good any other day of the year is the underground mobile phone call:
You change your mobile phone alarm tone to a ringtone like the nokia tune works well and before entering into the london underground (or anyother underground rail system) set it to go off a few mins into your journey, one note on this though, it has folks even more confused if it is below ground/in a tunnell in the middle of the city around the financial district. Then when the alarm goes off answer the phone as normal and have a conversation simmilar to this:
Hi .... Yeah
......Oh yes those stocks
.....they have fallen how much!!!!
........Well buy/sell(whichever takes your fancy) 100.000 shares now!!! oh I would hate to have missed this call!........ Yes.......I will speak to you more in the office!......Bye
You can play it out how you like, but keep it quick like a business transaction. the look on folks faces is quite interesting like how the hell can he/she get signal and folks will start getting there phone out and trying to make calls and check their signal strength. Oh the fun!
I woke up this morning with money coming out of my backside and I counted it all out and it totaled £1999, I thought I wasn't feeling too grand!