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By Johnny 1989
It is a shame really that commercial radio is in such a state.

(pulls out his pipe & slippers & sits in his rocking chair) I can remember 12 years back when commercial radio was a real threat to Radio 1. Capital FM was hugely popular & was the thorn in Radio 1's side in the 1990's, in London. It wasn't until Capital's last huge DJ, Chris Tarrant, left that Radio 1 took over from Capital in the number 1 spot.

The problem with commercial radio is that they have all taken each other over, Essex FM for example was around for 30 years (although admittedly it was originally on AM as Essex Radio but you get what I mean, I hope) and the name was brushed aside for Heart Essex.

The problem with the TV & Radio industry is they hate localism, they just want everything to be nationalised, of which every time they do this drives listeners (or in ITV's case, viewers) away.
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By jocky85
Heart bought out a station in Cambs aswell - thankfully they kept legendary Pat Sharp on drivetime! :D
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By S4B
Heart have rebranded Hereward FM in Peterborough. I wouldn't hold your breath about them keeping Pat Sharp on drive Jocky I predict that Heart will be networked by the end of next year.
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By Yudster
Our local station (which used to be SGR) is now Heart. I'm not sure when that happened though, I haven't listened to them for years, I only noticed because I drove by the studio the other day and the sign outside has changed.
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By MK Chris
Our local one,formerly Horizon, is also Heart.. as is the old Chiltern, which was the Luton and Dunstable one. None of them are truly local though and all of them are shite.
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By Munki Bhoy
We've got Real Radio, Galaxy and Clyde. Guess which of the three is most local?

Funnier still when you realise which one of the three is nominated for a Sony...

To be honest, they're all rubbish. Commercial radio has been for ages. You'd think going more national would improve things but all it seems to do is make crap DJs be heard nationwide instead of just in their locale.
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By S4B
They all changed in January Yuds. The GWR group decided it was better and more cost effective to have one brand. Shame the brand is so similar to the British Heart Foundation! They've spent a fortune on the rebrand and advertising for it which has not actually been that effective!
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