Toy Story - You've Got A Friend In Me.
Its Pixar. Does that still count?
Charlalottie on Twitter wrote:Just remembered that I played pool with a satanist last night. Really should go out on a Friday more often.
Charlalottie wrote:Had a good night last night. We lost the pub quiz but had my hair plaited by a viking.
bmstinton93 wrote:Toy Story - You got a friend in me.
Its Pixar. Does that still count?
Yudster wrote:Best post ever.
bmstinton93 wrote:I forget you were in the Lion King...!
Yudster wrote:Best post ever.
novalinnhe wrote:Are n00bs allowed to play?
Yudster wrote:Best post ever.
bmstinton93 wrote:Toy Story - You've Got A Friend In Me.
Its Pixar. Does that still count?
Yudster wrote:Best post ever.
dimtimjim wrote:PotC 1 = very, very good
PotC 2 and 3 = silly, OTT and average at best
foot-loose wrote:Big * or no *, no "lol's" allowed. NEVA!
foot-loose wrote: you really can be quite gay sometimes Toph
Charlalottie on Twitter wrote:Just remembered that I played pool with a satanist last night. Really should go out on a Friday more often.
Charlalottie wrote:Had a good night last night. We lost the pub quiz but had my hair plaited by a viking.
bmstinton93 wrote:Since when was Mary Poppins about a mermaid?