Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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By Adam
Who decided to be wise and register "Adam" at 14 Mar 2003 16:11

I change my name for a few moments....

Chris - is it possible you could delete username "Adam" at current.
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By Sidders
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

It wasn't me by the way, I just find it very funny! That'll teach you to change your name! I already learnt my lesson.
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By Adam
yeah, really funny isnt it. :roll:
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By Sidders
he he. I thought so!
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By Adam
its just that you decided to change your name to another board member.

*cough sam cough*
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By Sidders
Why don't you just change it to Ad. like it used to be.
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By Adam
because i like adam.
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By Chris
Deleted (John)
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By Sidders
Chris wrote:Deleted (John)

I love the way Chris likes to wind Adam up.
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By Adam
Thanks, Chris.

Sidla wrote:
Chris wrote:Deleted (John)

I love the way Chris likes to wind Adam up.

i just laugh. its not how i usually sign my name. just a quick message to chris moyles which was being scanned. didnt have much time. man - why go on about it... :D
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By Nablo.
Don't spose you could delete Nablo username as I can't use it and it means I have to have a . at the end of my name.
Also could you delete the ZAQAZ username as it signed him up when he didn't want to and thats why he has a _ at the end.
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By MK Chris
Nablo. wrote:Don't spose you could delete Nablo username as I can't use it and it means I have to have a . at the end of my name.
Also could you delete the ZAQAZ username as it signed him up when he didn't want to and thats why he has a _ at the end.

When you quote Nablo, it almost looks like part of a URL, or something...
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By Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog
no it doesnt but its ok cos its very late i'll let you off...
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By MK Chris
Oh, a reprieve from Gaspode... A rare thing, that. It surely is a hint to say "go to bed."
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By Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog
i intend to stay up to watch all of comic relief. i donated 70p im gonna get my moneys worth.
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By MK Chris
I donated whatever it took (I think about £2) to get three cakes and three doughnuts. Then I bought a cheese and ham slice and slice of fruit cake from Bon Viveur, I was a bit of a bloater yesterday...
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By Sidders
Topher wrote:When you quote Nablo, it almost looks like part of a URL, or something...

I don't think it does either, but I'm sure that was written by a drunken Mr. Topher.
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By MK Chris
My new years resolution was not ever to use that excuse. However, I was just back from the pub and Sidla suggested it not me... 8)
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