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So shall we delete the users or not (read proposal be4 votin)?

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By Hypeymikey!
Well i was talking to sam and suparwoman the other day about how many users there are on this site and there are some that have never posted at all so whats the point in having them. Obviously it could take to much space on the net so how about you delete the users that don't use it for 2 months then if they want to rejoin they can.
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By Nablo.
You know that a user info really doesn't take up that much space.
Plus this has all been said before and nothing really happened and it's unfair to delete someone who may one day decide to return. Better of deleting all the people that have never posted.
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By Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog
how about deleting the users who waste valuable space with this rubbish/
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By Jacqui
like me (this is not an invitation!)
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By Nablo.
However tempting that may be.
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By Jacqui
i agree, i know how annoying i can be, so it must be tempting to delete me every now and again (or at all times!)
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By Sidders
User info only takes up about 4k, but it would be nice to have a shorter memberlist so you don't have to wade through pages of zero posters to find 1 particular member.
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By MK Chris
If you want to view a profile I find it easier to go to one of their posts to be honest, then you don't go through loads of people who don't post any more/ have never posted.
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