Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
By Cornishtw@
Let me tell you about my sister.... <br>It started when she was maybe 10 years old. Whenever someone smacks their lips or slurps when eating it just really bothers her, so much so that we haven't all eaten at the family table for three years now. When on trips and we have to eat in the car, she must have headphones in order to tolerate everyone eating. No one in the family can chew gum or have any hard sweets as the noise really bothers her. <P>We initially thought she would grow out of this, but it is instead getting worse. Now she can't hardly be in the room with anyone in the family as even breathing bothers her tremendously. Tonight she broke down crying when I blew my nose"<br><p>[This message has been edited by CornishTw@ (edited 16 June 2001).]
By Cornishtw@
I have been terrified of emergency lights for all 27 years of my life, as far as I know. The lights that come on when the power goes out. They are a box, usually high on the wall with usually 2 lights on them. When they are off... they are scary. When they come on... OMG!!! After a bad experience, It makes me fearful of all lights. I like to hide in my house with the lights off for a couple of days. I have tried to get over it. It's really hard though, when nobody else in the world has this strange fear. I don't wish it on anyone, but I do kinda wish there was somebody out there. I have aquired 2 of these emergency lights. They don't work, but one of them has a cord. That's the scarier one. I got them to help me out. Ok, so I am getting really used to having them around. No big deal. But I still have problems with every other one in the world. I have noticed that if I work somewhere where there are some, I will eventually get used to being around them when they are off. But will NEVER be alone around them and look at them. When I am alone, I shade my eyes and look at the floor and walk really fast. There might not even be any where I am, but I don't want to find out if there is
By stupid_american
i thought this was not sally jessy raphiel! <P>Perhaps you should take your sister and give her a good kicking, tell her that if she is going to continue with this behaviour then she will not be so lucky in the future. If you have any more problems then just ask for my help and ill be there for you buddy  <IMG SRC="">
By winker
I have the problem that I'm stuck in this time frame that I got thrown into by a bug in my time machine. I am really from the time 2096 and I cannot get back. I am waiting for one of my ten wives (current law in 2096) to travel back to rescue me. Until then I'll have to 'blend' in and just wait for Andrea Corr IV, or Cameron Diaz III or one of me other biatches to rescue me. What year is this? What planet am I on?<P>Oh hazelnuts.
By Guest
You must ask the daleks to give the photon accelartor.  You can only continue as the cybermen are chasing me.

Sat and today are up

Changes at Radio One

Scott Mills is finally getting a Breakfast Show, a[…]