Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
Lower the ceiling by an inch a day.<br>Have some outsider walk through the house one day, say "morning" then walk out.<br>Project hologramns of each of the housemates loved ones into the room when their alone.<br>When one of them goes into the 'diary room' they should be abducted without the others knowing.<br>Put 'long haired lover from Liverpool' on a tape loop playing 24/7  
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By Lawrie
Make a member a day sit naked....ill gladly sit and watch helen for as long as she is in the house
By Guest
hook the camera from the shower/toilet to a giant tvs in the middle of major cities & towns.<P>starve them of food, lock them in, and watch them all turn to: trying to escape/cannabalism.<P>play a sample of a high pitched scream on a loop for the remainder of the time in the house. whatever they order for food, supply them with many pictures of tom jones & face from the a-team instead. if they try to go to the diary room, stab them with forks. then see them go insane.<P>
insteed of evicting them they should not do the show and then i wont have to watch E4 and have to put up with that anoying interactive button (which is far too big) sticking to the screen. Big brother absaloutly sucks  <IMG SRC="">
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By Sanjay
Ok, Teach Helen how to speak properly - and if she does gives her her life-long "ambition" ...... wait for it.....  A GUCCI BAG! :-)  <P>easily pleased then? hint hint <IMG SRC=""> (not the 'wink' again!)
how about turning it into a real life war program  <IMG SRC="">, they could all be armed with uzi 9mm sub automatics. the one who wins is the one who is alive last! People who disagree will feel the rath of my evil monkey  <IMG SRC="">
the bog should only be opened for 1 minute once a day so they have to cram in and do what they have to do.<P>they should add some people from the 'younger community' (meeeee!!!) and a new 'younger person' should be added each week - me, jemma, bethan, sonia, charlotte, zara...<br>
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By Uglybob
the first one to ejaculate gets the double bed<P>get them to do an iq test, the thickest has to eat the rest faeces<P>get a bit of lezzo action throw in<P>go all biblical and release a new version of the plague<P>1. foot and mouth disease<br>2. genital herpes<br>3. 24 jim davidsons generation game<br>4. inject a layer of lard on the floor<br>5. fleas<br>6. the sound of someone puking everytime its dinner<br>7. plague of ex big brother contestants who consistantly babble on about big brother.<br>8. plague of rapid hair growth<br>9. methane pumped all round room<br>10. non stop live destinys child
By winker
I like evil monkey's idea. Make it a real live doom game. Some how hook up the freaks left in the house and direct them via a joypad shooting each other until they die. Then dance a victory jig on their decaying corpes. Or switch the pathetic losers over onto even more shi.te hawk Survivors (or put Destinys Child on Survivors, singing on their own not bothering us). Or switch off the fackin trumpet program, as it is as bad as watching them crappy polish theme cartoons.<P>You choo choo choose me. <p>[This message has been edited by winker (edited 19 June 2001).]

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