- Wed Jun 27, 2001 11:00 am
"30 minutes non-stop coming up, beat-to-beat, back-to-back"<P>"they called me the darth-vader of the master-fader"<P>Did you see the fake Pat Sharp Omnibus documentary on the Adam&Joe show? Class. Pure Class. Been discussed before - <A HREF="http://chrismoyles.net/ubb/Forum1/HTML/000518.html" TARGET=_blank>http://chrismoyles.net/ubb/Forum1/HTML/000518.html</A> <P>I've also talked about my Music teacher before, but he really is an Alan Partridge/Pat Sharp look-a-sound-a-like. Give him a mullet and he could present Fun House. <br>"Let's play a Garlic Game"<br>"Top Banana"<br>"Pass me the Garlic Pencil will you?"<P>the_dr