Wonder if Mark would sign my cd if I sent it to Manchester Metropolis. Or maybe I'm just a speck in his life now, after being a non-listening fan (defo not non-fan) for 6 long hard weeks <IMG SRC="http://chrismoyles.net/ubb/frown.gif">
aiya bob. Long time no see. You haven't tried to bombard me with porn for... well months now. Er I unfortunately also have Radiohead Kid A. The fact that I paid a pound less than you doesn't make it much easier to bare. I go for moyles voice I reckon. Can't forget Daves beautiful tones either tho
Nice little touch of genius on the album covers. Doubt Loz would have seen since hers are copies done by Lard to earn some extra cash. Hunt them out and be amazed for upto 10 seconds <IMG SRC="http://chrismoyles.net/ubb/biggrin.gif"> OK, don't. Just thought I'd say
Seony, you just admitted to loving M&L, due to the fact that you minted. HA HA HA. Also i've seen the album cover, i have a postcard of it, its everywhere at the gigs, i've touched it in virgin (And them).
Radiohead on Mark an Lard today seemed like funny people an they played along with everything. The question remains why they sell loads of albums though personally i think they use image more than any pop band including hearsay.
Here's to those who bore us and made us what we are
I was shocked at how *fun* Radiohead were too. If anyone wants any clips of the show ask me and I'll get you an address (yes even Lards Verona). Kid A was crap, i bought it in France as well so that possibly makes it worse. <P>I'm watching Richard and Judy on TM, there doing a fone in about Sibling Rivalry and this girls sister is having an affair with her uncle. Thats sick.