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How many holidays do they get a year???????<br>I fear the days of M+L on radio 1 may soon be over.
By ted
How the fu.k do you reckon that one? They're the best DJ'd on R1 in my opinion. I esp. liked Lards classic cuts and, well, all of the show really. I then made the mistake of leaving Moyles on just to see if there was any improvement and I must say once he had cleared out of the way when he reckoned to be in a strop, his 'team' of wank.ers are the most boring, personality lacking shi.tesworths imaginable. They had just nothing to say except praise how good Me Ego was. I know it was all loosly planned, but fu'kin hell, they could at least said something sencible. Unbelieveable.
Warm and friendly.....<br>I'm not doubting that M+L are the best thing on radio 1 - but that doesn't mean they're staying.<br>I just think with them on holiday every few weeks that radio 1 might just think they don't need them anymore.<br>
By ted
i don't agree, as maybe they can command seemingly more holiday than others because of their status, also see the fact that theyre allowed to do the show from Manchester and not made to move to London. <br>R1 is short of DJ's anyway - why else did they just lengthen everyone elses shows when grandad Mayo left? If they had talentless toss pieces like Mr Moyles coming out of their ears, so's to speak, they'd have got some in. Don't you think? You must betaking the ****  or what?
By the_dr
Mark & Lard would love to leave Radio One. Radio One would love M&L to leave Radio One. They don't like 99% of the playlist - they would love to play whatever they wanted on a station like..... Radio 2 perhaps.<P>This has been said a million times, I'm getting bored of the debate now. Either stay or go. For now you have loads of Tv appearences from Mr Radcliffe. Thats why hes been off so much.<P>the_dr
By Cornishtw@
Mark and Lard are simply the best thing on Radio One and until Danny Baker returns the best thing anywhere on daytime radio.They try to play the popular culture card with those wacky quizzes and mocking of contests but its all to hide the intellect.It doesn't help being a brainiac when you've got to play S-Club 7 and all the other R1 playlist mcguffin but Radcliffe sucseeds with just enough banality and sarcasm.<br> The Sky One show Radcliffe did was great very under rated.Hopefully it will land on terrestrial TV before the end of the year.<br>Heard the fellas for the first time in ages today damn fine as ever, Roger Sanchez in a pasty,Cilla Black on vinyl,and the very amusing John Peel parody.
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By Sanjay
Ted is allright - keeps the board a bit lively  :) - and i like Mark and Lard too, so he can't be all that bad!<P>by the way Ted do you leave the radio on *accidentally* everytime after you listen to M&L? (i mean that in the nicest possible way)
'Ted's Lover' who is actually one of the board members who hasn't got the necessary genital size to post under his own name; I've just got a few things to say to you:<P>I could have been your father,but my brother beat me to it cause he had change for a pound.<P>If I wanted to her from a.rsehole I would have farted.<P>What are u going to be IF u grow up?<P>Your mum's like a golf course - You can score in every hole.<P>What's the difference between your mum nd a bag of chips? - you can't buy a bag of chips for 50p.<P>Oh yeah I almost forgot; You're ugly,you've got a small dick,nobody likes you and everyone f.ucks your mum.<P><br>
Poppy,<br>I'm sorry u ain't mature - unlike us big boys<P>Fart<br>poo<br>wee<P>he! he! arn't I naughty people.
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