- Mon Sep 17, 2001 10:13 pm
i just realised this station totally rules.<br>the breakfast show is great and in addition to [bold]this[/bold] playlist. they very often play a classic old track or two every morning - this morning, happy mondays - step on (how ironic). you may not think that's particularly great, but it stimulates my head into thinking 'eh?' and gets me up. other stuff they've played include the jam and oasis classics. + the bloke who does it has great features and is a pretty wicked presenter.<br><br>just listened to claire sturgess new music type thing, which is also fantastic. must listen more often - if anyone else listens regularly would appreciate info about it please. <br><br><br>also i heard a sped up sort of ragga-ish version of some amusing song. cant remember what it is now. but i'll know it tomorrow when the playlist's up. very funny though. you'll laugh when you hear it <br><br>note the songs you know from this list and be guaranteed the rest are as good, if not better. CLICK<br><br>nice station to listen to for music. shame about those who dont live near london dont know when it's rumoured/supposed to be going nationwide . any ideas?<br><br>