- Tue May 21, 2002 10:31 pm
It started when Collins accused Moyles of stealing some of his sound effects. Now I'm not going to take sides here. Collins claims that Moyles stole the 'boing'(erection) one and that other one he plays where it sounds like someone running then there's a crash, and I've also heard Moyles play the 'Whoa - that kicks ass' one that Collins uses frequently. It almost seems that Moyles is deliberately doing it to wind Collins up. But don't forget that when this feud started Moyles was on a 'graveyard' shift too, so all I think this is - regardless of whether Moyles was stealing or not - is: Collins was looking for a fight with 1 of his 'graveyard' rivals for some pathetic macho shock-jock posturing. It's almost like 'Ooh look,I'm big - I slag off my rival; arn't I cool?'. But the impetus has gone in this childish affair,now that Moyles is on drive-time.