- Tue Oct 30, 2001 11:28 pm
'that thing with fatty' refers to that program on bbc 1 called 'linda.. something , "starring" lisa tarbuck (yeah ch' right :-*). <br><br>anyway, that sounds utter bollards, chick telly, fat lady praising etc. wonder why the bbc doesn't invest in some decent comedy. i mean have i got news for you is wicked aiigh, but it's not enough really considering they are the bbc.<br><br>barrymore: oh deary me, to put it in a phrase. bloody entertaining and question provoking though. <br><br>_> is he lying about the drug stuff? why was that asian guy talking to him like he was his dad/teacher? what exactly is behind his relationship with ITV such that this program even went ahead? am i alone in thinking of the 'allwhite?' pun (cocaine), and then feeling slightly mean? lots of questions<br><br><br><br>anyway, anyone see that linda green (i think it's called that)? shame on you <br><br><br><br><br>when's the next series of league of gentlemen? i think there may be no-more perchaps