The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
By sebastien
Could you please say yes or no if you actually read show reviews???????????<br><br>because i am the new show reviewer! Please tell me!<br>Just reply and say Yes or No!!!!!!!<br><br><br>Thanx! Sebastien!
By Ionic_Storm
Really? Welcome to the team :)<br><br>You don't wanna do my Thursday ones for the next 3 weeks do you ;)<br><br><br><br>And yes, I do read the ones that aren't mine :)
By Guest
weird shit. i slept through the end of today's... we're five hours ahead :)<br><br>still, within a sleepy daze, i thought frog or dog sounds classic. typical, moylesesque, brilliant rubbish :)
By Guest
you're actually 8 hours ahead.<br><br>i wanted to be on frog or dog. i could have won!  only i was still in bed.  i woke up at 7, turned on moyles and climbed in bed.  i couldn't figure out why i kept dreaming about will untill i woke up and realised i was listening to moyles and co.  odd.
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By Lawrie