- Thu Nov 22, 2001 3:04 pm
Dear All,<br><br>I was wondering if any of you guys are into football and have ever used a Fantasy Football Site like yahoo.<br><br>Its a bit late into the season, but it would be loads of fun if some of moylesworld team were to join my Club. <br><br>If your wanna join then, firstly you have to have a yahoo account and go to the yahoo Fantasy Football page.<br><br>The link is: http://uk.soccer.fantasysports.yahoo.com/premier.<br><br>Then when your sorted out, you can join my team which is called "The MoylesWorld Fantasy Footy" which is a Private Group.<br><br>The Group ID is: Group ID#: 23549<br>The Password is: chrismoyles<br><br>Any Problems, just ask...<br><br>Adam 8)<br><br>