right... this is only an idea, in no way what so ever am I suggesting we do it
We get a couple of people together, some real media webspace, write a visual basic program that will record it in real media then automatically upload it after the show to the webspace (we could have like 5 different recording people for different days.) It wouldnt be avaliable for download, only listening back in streaming real media...
places like streamguys will provide 50mb space with no bandwidth restrictions and a max of 10 listners at anyone time for like £10 a month... of course that would maybe only hold 2 shows (at 24kps real media quality) and wheter or not anyone would be prepared to do it...
plus dont make it avaliable to everyone, only members of the private area or something... but as I said, I dont ACTUALLY suggest we do this, it was only an idea I had late one evening *cough*