Mcqueen wrote:That made laugh. I was half asleep just thinking it was about to end then a key change and it carried on, then again and again.
That was fantastic. I was lying in bed waiting for him to speak only to hear another key change.
- keep carpark catchphrase
- drop buzz off (although it has potential)
- good to see tedious link on the show (tedious links page updated now)
- I though posh interview was weak on the whole
- jingles were fantastic
- good choice for jules + dom on news and sport
OVERALL VERY GOOD but still room for improvement, good to see he's keeping some of his old traits - 2 songs segwayed after news, long links etc.
But they should DEFINITELY drop the 7.30/8.30 news chat talk over thing though. It didn't work at all.
Mcqueen wrote:Listener comments from the first day seem alright. The negative ones seem to be based around the news thing and people who don't like Chris' attitude/personality but that is nothing new, theres always been people who didn't like Chris' style.
These people just don't understand the idea was obviously to talk about the news with dom and jules and not interrupt them as such...