Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
By jimmy g
As Mr Moyles suggested this morning, here is a thread on about the queue into the news. They changed it from coming up later to coming up next. Great. Which is your favourite?
By Nicky
Coming up next (!)
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By Sionide
ah sweet, sweet irony..!

coming up next is so much better.. later implies after about 30 mins or so, next is right.. go chris for changing it, it would have been great if ben(?) in London missed it because it was changed!
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By Eddie
it's "cue" not "queue"!
By David
Sionide wrote:it would have been great if ben(?) in London missed it

Is Ben not in Portugal? They should get Ben and Rhys on the air more - like the old days...

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By Sionide
heh, funnily enough - i was writing my above post and i wrote cue, but i got confused because they'd written queue..

A queue is what you line up in,

A cue is a prompt.. Indeed, knew it :)
By jimmy g
eddie wrote:it's "cue" not "queue"!

Indeed. Stupid English.
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By kendra k
ahhh, stupid english indeed. i'm taking a course right now about how stupid english really is. it's fun.
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By Sidders
I don't really give a shit to be honest.
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By Adam
eddie wrote:it's "cue" not "queue"!

I see Eddie is getting settled into his teacher role...

..Poor kids.
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By Sidders
Do teachers even care about spelling these days?
By Toast
Not really, just finished school and they're more concerned with other things like grammar. My English teacher was sh*t though so who knows.
By rachael
i used to get comments at the end of my essays about spelling, usually like "some interesting and excellent ideas but a few unusual spelling errors" not that evr was ever bothered, some people just can't spell, or type, deal with it