Sidla wrote:Havn't we all. I was told today that it would be hard to find a job in IT without any previous job experience. How the f*ck are you supposed to get experience in the first place?
My own dilemma... I'm temping at the moment coz it beats the hell outta the dole hassling me trying to claim I do nothing, then turning a highly convenient blind eye when chavs and other scum blatently walk in just to sign the bit of paper, then walk out saying "see ya in 2 weeks time, i dont want a job, just the cash". (based on a true story, only slightly exaggerated).
Be warned though, agencies can be just as dodgy, but at least if they dont find you anything THEY lose out too...
Anyone who thinks we're contributing to the dumbing-down of internet forums can shove their stupid opinion up their a$$