Eddie wrote:The website does need to be accesible but looks win hands down If and only if the site is still accessible.
1. The website does need to be accesible
2. But Looks win point 1.
3. Point 2 only applies if point 1 applies.
Eddie wrote:I belive that the sites you mentioned of mine are both accesible and look ok - not the best in looks or accessibility but a good middle ground.
I think this highlights the point you made earlier - you're not an expert.
Read the sites that you think is "good for pointing out bad design and useability for websites":
The Biggest Web Design Mistakes of 2004Point 9 - Forgetting the purpose of text.
Text is Text. Don't use graphics or Flash for text.
Middleground smiddleground. If you're gunna be picky get it right yourself. Remember.
Eddie wrote:The best sites look great and are extremely accessible.