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yeah we dont care.

This is being moved to trash as well.
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By DemonHorse
not locked? seeing as no-one cares.... not much more to say in this thread is there?
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By Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog
where would you like to go on holiday? My top 5:

1. St Petersburg
2. The Rockies in Canada
3. Prague
4. Moscow
5. Dublin
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By DemonHorse
Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog wrote:where would you like to go on holiday? My top 5:

1. St Petersburg
2. The Rockies in Canada
3. Prague
4. Moscow
5. Dublin

1. Noo Yawk
2. Scotland at new year (again)
3. anywhere in Ireland
4. Greece
5. Cornwall... any town they make scrumpy in

I would say hell as 1 of the places, but sometimes it feels like I'm already there...
User avatar
By Betti911
1. New York (at new yr again)
2. A very expensive tropical healthfarm
3. L.A.
4. Goa (cause my friend said it was lovely and great for shopping)
5. The South of Italy
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By Andy Bkr
1. miami york
3.perpignan (to watch rhinos) (never been exept wembley)
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By Betti911
Theres so many places to chose from my list could go on and on.
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By Sidders
I'd love to go to Canada. Don't like hot places.
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By Betti911
I'm the opposite I can't stand the cold. Dunno why I was born in Scotland. Think I must have some foreign blood in me somewhere.
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By MK Chris
Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog wrote:2. The Rockies in Canada

Do go there if you can, the Rockies are breathtaking... Amazing stuff.
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By Betti911
Wish I could be anywhere buy work :(

Think I'm going to retrain as a teacher 6 1/2 weeks in the summer! They have the right idea :)
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By Wyatt
Ive not been working for 1 month 17 days now and am starting to get "slightly bored" now.

There is only so much daytime TV you can take.
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By Betti911
Please, please, please, please. please swap places with me then!!
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By Wyatt
I dont think I can do your job and more importantly you wont know how to use my remote controls.

Otherwise I would have loved a trip up to Scoootland.
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By Andy Bkr
sure betti could manage to watch trisha 3 times a day
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By Betti911
I would with pleasure. It would be like going back to my student days again. Oh the nostalgia!

Talking about students. Check out this lot:

What freaks of nature! They would have been booted out of our union for being so poofy!
User avatar
By Sidders
Cos it's trash.

I'd swap with you Betti, what do you do again?
User avatar
By Betti911
I'm a trainee lawyer in name but I guess judging by my output today all you'd need to do is be in my office and write on the message board.

I'm winding down before my weekend in London with the girls :)
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By Sidders
Yup, I'd happily swap. Can you pull a pint? It's about the only thing I can pull.
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By Betti911
Could give it a try. I tend to end up with quite a big head on it though.

Maybe I could chat up some girls on your behalf.
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By Wyatt
I'll have one please, when you're ready :D
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By MK Chris
What, head?
User avatar
By Betti911
Don't be filthy!

Sidla could prob pour a better pint Wyatt than me.