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I'll be voting for

Lib Dems
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By Andy Bkr
its has bad as voting for the one with the funniest name , would still be labour ed balls gets my vote round here
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By Ickle Angel
Ok i wont vote then. I just dont know anything about politics and if I dont vote then people will say i should becuase people in the past campaigned for me to vote
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By Dickie
Thats why elections arent a true reflection, numpty's who cant decide things for themselves
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By Dickie
You're making a choice from opinions laid out by two people you know.

Is that bias i can smell?
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By Betti911
I think apathy is the biggest problem in this election. Theres no party who stands out so people really don't care. What we need is someone with charisma who is offering policies which agree to the masses. Its difficult for ordinary people to really tell the difference between the parties at the moment.
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By Andy Bkr
the main problem is people are not interested ( what that says about modern society i don't know ) there are plenty of differences and you should weigh up which party is best for you, the people who annoy me are the ones who say " im voting labour , tories , lib dems because i always do " surely you should vote for who is best for the country not who your favorites are?
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By Ickle Angel
Yeah but because im not the brightest button i dont understand all the different parties and what they are going to do for everyone. I think they need to make their manifestos a bit more simple so that everyone understands what they are actually going to do for the country.

I dont htink its just that people are not intrested i think its a lot of that people vote for the same party every year cos they dont understand it all
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By Andy Bkr
its no different to what it has always been its just that we now live dumb britainia
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By Betti911
The three main parties are presenting very similar ideas this time round. Without forcing people to read the manefestos the only way for politicians to encourage people to get out and vote is to inspire them. I'll vote out of duty today cause people have died to get the vote but I can understand others apathy and why they are generally disinterested.
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By Blazin'Babe
I'm not fussed who wins just as long as it's not Tony Blair , i don't want a liar in charge of the country. :evil: I would probably vote for labour if Gordon Brown was P.M. though. Any politician who isn't corrupt and deceitful would be nice for a change, but they all seem to be as bad as each other. :(
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By Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog
Dickie wrote:You're making a choice from opinions laid out by two people you know.

Is that bias i can smell?

Why is that such a bad thing? If thats her environment and she chooses to take that advice who are you to say its wrong?

Surely by voting for a party you are showing bias?

I am very biased
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By MK Chris
True - at the end of the day, we are all making a choice from opinions laid out by complete strangers - and it's usually got so much spin on it you can see it swerve.
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By Andy Bkr
i wouldnt get used to it
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By MK Chris
Yeah but to be fair, labour is also an actual word out of the dictionary... I don't think Tory is (although I could be wrong, but even if I am it's certainly not as widely used a labour.)
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By Lucie
Ickle: If you really don't know who to vote for spoil your paper. Alternatively you could just vote for these: just because it would amuse me. :P
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By Lucie
yay! who did you go for in the end?
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By DemonHorse
I think the key is to weaken Labour's majority...

that way, even if they win tonight it won't be the same as the relatively easy wins they've had in previous elections, and they have to work harder to keep the people happy with them, and have less power, handing a bigger say in important decisions back to other parties... well its fine as a theory anyways
Last edited by DemonHorse on Fri May 06, 2005 7:48 am, edited 2 times in total.
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