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By theflyinghippo
What a game last night!!!

Good to see the better half of Liverpool showing who is best!!

Everton should be made to give up their Champions League spot for the true champions!!!
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By fish heads
theflyinghippo wrote:Everton should be made to give up their Champions League spot for the true champions!!!

Chelsea already have a champions league place
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By Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog
ha fish heads you have fallen into a silly mistake there. what you don't realise is that even when they win nothing both Liverpool and Manchester United are the true champions.
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By fish heads
Oh yeah - It's quite a good rule that - to decide who is the best current team by judging on how many times you used to win the trophy.
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By DemonHorse
Did we really need this thread twice?
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By fish heads
Yeah, otherwise you'd have one less thing to complain about
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By Sidders
That would be terrible!