Request and download your Moyles-related sound or video clips in here
By Hobbs
Any chance of the maths song from earlier today, about 8:05am

All I've been singing all day is:

A triangle is half x base x height...
Now you've got the areas riiiight!
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By Ste
This is news to me

hmmm a good way to revise?
By Jono
Hmmm, I think it might be against copyright laws. I don't know what the issue is about this song.

Is it commercially available do you think?
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By Console
Well, I've got the clip ready to upload, and as far as I can tell its not commercially available anywhere, so I may upload if nobody has any objections.

If you want to search for it, it is by Andrew Holdworth from Method & Madness Productions, but my searches so far have found diddly-squat to do with this song, so...
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By Ste
The rule is if it has been released do not post it.

I certainly do not believe that this will be released.
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By benjamizzle
I've been singing it all day as well!

If it's been released, I'll definitely buy a copy - it was hilarious!
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By benjamizzle
Hmm... the first verse of the 5 times table is slightly repetetive but I think it picks up in the 6 times table... :lol:
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By benjamizzle
I've got a full copy of the overall sketch online now, and I've fiddled around with Audition for 10mins and got a copy of the 2 verses of the song stuck together.

If the moderators say it's ok then I'll post the link for you all!
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By Console
Well, after searching for a while I haven't found anything thing on this being commercial, and so far there are no objections to me posting this (although Dickie has yet to respong to my PM), so here they are:- - The Whole Link - The Song (Crappy Mix, hopefully benjamizzle's will be better)
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By benjamizzle
If there are any objections then I'll remove the link, but here it is:

It's in stereo so may sound slightly better to some people, tho it's pretty much the same as Console's - This one has Dave singing the second verse tho cos it's quite amusing.

If we can't find the proper song, then I may patch the song together a bit better (this was done in bout 10mins so a few bits are a bit dodgy... and Moyles changes the volume on it slightly at one point!)

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By Console
To be perfectly honest, I liked this song to begin with, it was quite funny, but after listening to it 20 times trying to piece it together I'm sick of the damn thing.
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By benjamizzle
Nah... It get's better every time!

In fact I'm listening to it now... does that make me deranged??

At least I'd pass GCSE maths (if I hadn't got an A* in it when I did it already!)
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By fish heads
benjamizzle wrote:At least I'd pass GCSE maths (if I hadn't got an A* in it when I did it already!)

Did someone mention Molly Sugden?
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By Quincy
if you mention my A* again i will scream
By Jono
"Meet Mr Average, he wants to find the average price of beans,
He adds them all up, divides by how many, and ends up with the mean..." :D
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By Console
"...He puts things in order, he picks from the middle, the medians in his hand,
but to work out the mode, there's no special code, just the most common price per caaaannnn..."
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By Ste
"A circle's pie times the radius square,
A rectangle is length times width,
A square is a sqaure and is just a length square,
A triangle is half time base times height,
Now you got the areas right"

Wonder what the Physics one will be like?
By Jono
I'd like to hear them fit stuff like velocity squared in and other things. My physics knowledge is so bad I don't know...
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By Ste
Maybe they will use formula triangles hmmm
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By huckerby6
Is it worrying that I quite like this song? When they played it today I was disappointed they stopped it and played something else
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By Console
Yes it is quite worrying. Infact alot of people like it, including me. Perhaps it will be the new Crazy Frog, straight to number 1 I mean, not everyone wants to kill the person that made it. :twisted:
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By huckerby6
I'd prefer it to Crazy Frog and it serves a purpose. When I was little there was a dinosaur song and I can still remember the chorus
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By fish heads
Denver the last Dinosaur
He's my friend and a whole lot more
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By huckerby6
Maybe its a different song although was on a large compilation of dinosaur based songs

"dinosaurs, dinosaurs, lived for more than a hundred million years and then they disappeared. dinosaurs etc...

and another one was along the lines of Mylo destroy rock and roll with a long list of dinosaur names