Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
By Sheep
Cheers, im gonna wait till i get Fedora installed and i'll give them a go
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By Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog
can someone not lock this thread for advertising suicide or something?
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By Sidders
Limewire is built on Java, so I doubt it would be too difficult to adapt to Linux. Limewire is OK, but it really dents my bandwidth when I use it.
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By Quincy
i wouldnt touch any of that crap with a ten foot bargepoll
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By Quincy
everything comes at cost console
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By Dickie
You're worried about the feds coming through your door?
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By Quincy
stuff buggering up my computer
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By Console
Did you read the thread?
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By Quincy
so can you guarantee that no spyware or evil things will go into my pc then if i use for example the one you suggested, giFT?
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By Console
Its opensource, which means that if you wished, you could go through the source code for it (which I have partially done). Also, if you means downloading viruses, all you have to do is not run anything ending in exe, com, bat or pif (Did I miss any?).
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By Quincy
ok console thanks. yes i did read the whole tread by the way i just basically dont have a clue about computers. ages ago my sister had some fileshare thing on my pc and it completley f*cked it up. eventually i sorted it out somehow i cant remember how, but i just dont want the hassle of doing it all again thats all.
By Sheep
probably kazaa
But consoles right, therye all safe,(ones mentioned here) other than kazaa
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By Dickie
People that have used computers for a fair amount of time now i think have become wise to what fileshare programs are safe and what ones will kill your computer.
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By Sidders
Never had any problems with Kazaa Lite. Heard bad things about BearShare though.
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By Console
From memory, BearShare also uses the Gnutella network, which is what LimeWire uses. But, I don't remember hearing anything bad about it.
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By Quincy
ergh. nuttella is rank
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By Sidders
Console wrote:From memory, BearShare also uses the Gnutella network,

It does. I've heard it puts loads of spyware onto your system which is near impossible to remove.
By Sheep
My mate uses bearshare....and i had to fix her comp the other week, had to clear loads of spyware and adware, and there was a hell of alot wierd programs running on startup, that was probably why...
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By DemonHorse
Yeah Kazaa f**ked my old PC good and proper.... but that was on win 98 as well, might give giFT a try after I've wiped old PC hard drive and started again with it
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By Lucie
Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog wrote:anyone know where i can buy a tombstone for this board?

HAHAHA! I think I nearly burst a vein.
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By Sidders
eDonkey seems to be quite good for music files during my initial tests.
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By Console
I've got nothing against eDonkey personally, as I've never actually used it myself, but reports from friends seem to suggest that its not that good. Isn't it adware?
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By Quincy
i just done a virus scan and found some adware thing that was downloaded with a patch for football manager. those bloody gits