Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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By Sidders
The colour doesn't display properly for me, it's all bright colours. Do you need a codec or something?
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By Quincy
sorry it worked fine for me!

also sorry if it offends anyone
By Sheep
lol i see how that could be funny, pretty mean tho
One good thing is the video downloaded at 1345kb/s lol :)
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By Mafro
Christ, thats the geekiest guy I've ever seen in my life.
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By Mafro
The best bit is when the guy tries to attack him while he drives past.
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By Sidders
Very good. Would have been better if they'd have been locked in and couldn't escape.
By Sheep
Yeah i know, they all ran away, he should have called ahead and told them he was comin with them.