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I recorded the show in high quality this morning. I'll clip it out for you, just a sec
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Console what time was this i remember hearing it but I cant find it. I have looked around 9.30 but nothing
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By Console
It was @ 9:36 just after the 9:30 news.
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Ah i found it! I'll clip it out and put it in my archive. Console not bein funny but your clips sound slightly crackly for some reason...
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By Console
It must be either your speaker's or your ear's becuase it sounds crystal clear to me.
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Some sound ok, but some are different. Still rather them than listen again anyday. *Shudders*, you'd of though the BBC have enough space to make them a bit higher quality.
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By Console
Its not about space, they have ton's of that (after all they do have a whole last week of radio), its about bandwidth availability. They have to lower the quality so people with slower connections can access the content.
Last edited by Console on Tue Aug 09, 2005 7:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
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But when i used to have dial up. It used to change itself on listen live, to match your connection. Cant they make the quality higher and make it so it matches peoples connections. And about the bandwidth thing, the bbc have their own servers, so it shouldnt be much of a problem to cater for the bandwidth should it?
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By Console
I'm not an expert on the real time streaming protocol, but I don't think its flexible enough for what you want, and although the BBC could host multiple streams for the different bandwidths, why would they, why would the average Joe need a 128 bit download of an entire radio program. Answer; they don't, its only people that record it that wouldn't mind that feature. Besides there's probably some copywrite reason behind it on top of that.
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Live lounge yes. For copyright...
By David
Console wrote:It must be either your speaker's or your ear's becuase it sounds crystal clear to me.

All your recordings are always crackily for me!
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By Console
Really! Perhaps it's my ears then, because I can't hear a single crackle.
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By Chris
I always assumed you captured them from the listen again stream, but I know you cap them from a digital source.

I must say, they dont sound perfect to me either - almost like they are 'tinny'.
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By Chris
And to add, it's a shame - because it means they can't really be used in the Vault. And you're super-efficient :)
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By Console
Is must admit, that I have never noticed myself, and I'm usually so good at noticing errors in things. There's a possibility it my encoding of the digital stream, because all of the clips sound identical to that. I'll have a look at the settings later and see if I can tweak them at all.
Last edited by Console on Wed Aug 10, 2005 4:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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By Chris
It would help if someone else could capture the same jingle above so that we've a 'good' version to compare against .. Dickie perhaps?
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By Chris
Thanks - it shows the difference pretty well. Listen to the 'On Friday it's the final ..' line on both.

Anyway, Console thinks things may be sorted ..
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Chris wrote:Thanks - it shows the difference pretty well. Listen to the 'On Friday it's the final ..' line on both.

Anyway, Console thinks things may be sorted ..

Yea! I hope, if he does i aint gonna bother recording anymore. lol i am just gonna let Console do all of the work! :D Nah i'll help if he is away, this may not be much help console. But I use this for converting to mp3

Dont know if it will help but it might be worth a try...
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By Console
Its a windoze program.
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Whoa i need to smarten up! I thought that was just recording software! I dont know nothing about that. I remember now! Well I cant be much help there. I'll just say with my beloved windows b/c i have had no probs with it. Hope you can sort out the quality of the clips Console, I dont think you would miss a beat for the soundvault if you have them right.