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By Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog
Wyatt wrote:
Sidla wrote:
Topher wrote:The best question I've been asked for a very long time yesterday was "is it illegal to have six people in a five-seater car?" Think you answered your own question there...

I wouldn't have said it's that stupid a question. It's only illegal because one of them would have to do without a seatbelt.

Also I dont think its to do with how many people that deems the vehicle unsafe, its depends how heavy the passengers are. If its a fat bloke, that may cause you to carry excess weight and an illegal load.

However, if you are carrying 5 pasengers who are skinny it should be ok.

dont talk rubbish. you cant put f*cking 6 people in a two seater cos they are skinny.
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By Sidders
And also, I very much doubt that you could get done for having 3 excessively fat people in a car.
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By Gigglyboots
Whoever isn't wearing a seatbelt, and who is over 14 can be spot fined £30.
By David
And if they are under 14, the driver will get the fine.
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By Betti911
You prob won't get caught anyways. Just tell one person to lie low if the police approach.
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By Sidders
Is that your professional advice?
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By Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog
yeah it just cost you £50 sidders.
By Sheep
I doubt they'd notice anyway, unless they stopped at traffic lights beside you and had a good look in.